Sunday, April 11, 2010

Welcome to the War?

Welcome back to Annoying brother antics. Someone put a burr under my brother's saddle today. I'm so mad that I can't describe it, but I'll try.

First, let me explain that Mutt has this paper, play $100 bill. As I was getting ready to leave my grandmother's today, I had to toss something in the trash. When I walked over to a waste basket, I accidentally stepped on that bill. I didn't rip or anything, but Mutt went balistic.


"I'm sorry," I replied, "I didn't see it."

"Well, you need to start looking where you walk."

I had to go to another room to get my shoes, but I did overhear this conversation:

Mom: She honestly didn't see it.

Mutt: Still, she needs to look where she's going.

Mom: Do you honestly look down on the floor when you walk?

Mutt: Yes, because I don't want to trample anything. But she just bulldozes through things and doesn't care.

Dad: Did it rip or anything? Was it ruined?

Mutt: No, but it's the principle of the thing.

Later, when we got home, I took a shower. There was no towels in the bathroom Mutt and I share! Granted, sometimes I forget to tell him when I use the last towel, but to do it deliberately like he did is just cruel in my opinion.

Later, Mutt came into my room

He sneered and asked "How does it feel?"

"Those times I honestly forget." I replied "But to do it-"

"You forgot. This is becoming a stuck record. If you keep forget, we should have you tested for Alztimer's. You better start remembering, because welcome to the war."

What was that supposed to mean? When he walked off, I heard him yell "I BETTER WATCH TO MAKE SURE I'M NOT STEPPING ON ANYTHING IMPORTANT."

Is he right? Do I not care? Do I forget too often? These are things I ask myself all the time. Seriously, PLEASE comment your opinion of this story.

Until next time (which might just be really soon) ... bye.

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