Sunday, September 6, 2009

Gross and Mean

Heya Hiya! Welcome back to Annoying Brother Antics. Sorry I haven't updateded in a while, school has gotten in the way. Warning: if you have any phobias to germs, DO NOT read this post

Today, as we were heading to our grandmother's house, Mutt was being fine, until I noticed he was, what looked to me, picking his nose! I told him that was gross and to please stop it, but then, he pretended to pick his nose and rub his fingers on me!

Later, once we got back from the arts festival, I was climbing out of our van so I could enjoy some relaxing on Sunday. I was just walking into our grandmother's garage, when Mutt started cycling his fists and punching me! I yelped and yelped, but this only made him do it more. Eventually he stopped.

Late that night, we were watching TV. I was comfy, laying on a sofa, when Mutt lays on top of me! I pushed him off, but he grabbed my shirt, pulling me down with him. This happened many times before the night was over.

Well, we got home, and Mutt is watching the MDA Telethon with my dad. That's all for now, Ta ta!

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