Friday, August 28, 2009


Sup? Welcome back to Annoying Brother Antics! Today, Mutt didn't want to hear my voice at all! Why? You'll read!

Today, on the way to drop Mutt off at school, I was trying to make some jokes. That didn't work. Mutt said " Why don't you become a mime? Take a vow of scilence! "

C: You can't -
M: Vow of scilence!
C: Why can't -
M: Vow of scilence!
Mom: You can't make her become a mime
M: I have permission to, but you don't
Mom: Oh, I don't?
C: Don't expect
M: Vow of scilence
C: Don't expect anyone to pick you up this afternoon!
( Mutt hops out of the van )

That's all for now! Until next time, peace out!

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